1. Twits Like Me
Search for Twitter users with similar interests. Takes a while to run, but comes up with interesting results

2. TwitStamp (seriously cool !!)
Easily transform your current Twitter status into an image for use anywhere.

3. LessFriends
Do the people you follow on Twitter, follow you? Less Friends is a service that helps you find out.

4. CrowdStatus
Create a crowd of people and track their current Twitter status. Expanding to Facebook, Jaiku, and Seesmic as well.

5. Favrd
Lists interesting things that show up on Twitter, based on the number of times an item has been declared a ‘favorite’.

6. TweetLists
Lists popular links sent on Twitter by day, week, or in a live stream format. Also has a “twitterati” mode that lists links posted by people with the most followers.

7. Monitter
A trending mashup that lets you monitor the Twitter world for a set of three keywords and watch what people are saying in real-time. One of the besties among our personal favs. We used this one, to keep track of the Google Chrome launch.

8. Twuzzer
A live aggregation of tweets and photos related to large special events. Twuzzer is currently focused on the Beijing Olympics.

9. TweeTake
Already reviewed tool for backing up your Twitter Timeline.

10. TweetRush
A service based on the Rush Hour engine that aims to provide estimated stats on Twitter usage over a period of time.

11. TwitterRatio
Discover your Twitter ratio and see if you’re more friend or follower.

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