Many people ask me where can they find some tools for their twitter
here is some
Web Services/Mashups (Utilities):
- AlphaTwitter is a tool to see what’s being shared by twitter users. Most popular links rise to the the top.
- AnswerMe is a tool to help you track questions you ask on Twitter.
- AutoPostr lets your Twitter friends know whenever you post a new photo to flickr.
AutoTwit automatically schedule updates to twitter. This site points out that its pointless.
- Brabblr allows you to keep an eye on and update your Twitter and Jaiku accounts from a central place.
- Chirrup allows you to collect Twitter comments for your site.
- CommuterFeed lets you keep an eye on traffic incidents through twitter.
- CrowdStatus allows you to organize your contacts into groups.
- EmailTwitter interact with twitter via email. Save money on SMS messages.
- FeedTweeter lets you send your plurks to Twitter.
- Flix Pulse is real time movie reviews based on Tweets.
- Gridjit allows you to see tweets by users rather than in chronological order.
- GroupTweet allows you to send private Twitter messages to specific groups.
- Hashtags allows realtime tracking of Twitter Hashtags (#).
- LiveTwitting is a mechanism to cover conference sessions.
- MoniTwitter keeps an eye on your servers and informs status using Twitter.
- PingTwitter ping Twitter when you update your blog.
- Quotably makes a twitter conversation into a threaded conversation.
- Stocktwits lets you follow stocks on Twitter.
- Timer is a Twitter bot that helps you set an alarm for things you need to remember.
- TrackThis allows you to track your Fedex, UPS, USPS and DHL packages.
- Twannabe lets you find out who your Twitter hero is following and you are not.
- Tweetl a url shortening service for twitter posts that also allows you to post to twitter from their site.
- Twitzu allows you to create an event and let your followers know about it.
- TubeStatus Get London tube status delivered via Twitter.
- Tweet2Tweet tracks the public Twitter timeline to collect data in order to view conversations between two users
- Tweetahead schedule tweets in the future.
- TweetAnswers allows you to ask questions, get answers.
- TweetBurner lets you shorten, tweet and track the links on Twitter.
- TweetShots takes screen shots of your tweets that you can embed in tumblr or other pages.
- Twemes follows tweets that have embedded tags that start with a # character.
- Twerpscan allows you to identify and block spammers on your Twitter contact list.
- Tweviews lets you describe your impression of a song or a movie, a book or an album through Twitter.
- Twibler automatically posts your new eBay listings to your Twitter account.
- Twictionary is a repository for all sorts of words used on Twitter.
- Twiddeo is Twitter plus video.
- Twiddict allows you to Twitter even if Twitter is down.
- Twistori visualizes tweets through a pretty interface.
- Twifter finds common friends for a list of twitter usernames.
- Twimbler is a tumble blog that gets updated through Twitter.
- Twitabit stores your tweets when Twitter is down and then delivers them when Twitter comes back up.
- TwitSay lets you leave voice messages on Twitter.
- TwitterCal use Twitter to post events to Google Calendar.
- TwitterCounter allows you to display a badge that shows the number of your followers
- TwitterFeed will take your rss feed and post it to Twitter.
- TwitterFone converts your voice message into a tweet and lets you listen to a recording also.
- TwitterPacks answers the question: If someone were joining Twitter today, who might they follow?
- TwitThis a button for your blog so that visitors can twitter about it.
- TwitterShare allows you to share files (less than 10 MB) while using Twitter. Mac client available also.
- Wiiizzz lets you see what tracks people are sharing on Twitter. You can also play the songs.
- Who Should I Follow gives suggestions on interesting people to follow.
Web Services/Mashups (Other):
- Bkkeepr Tracks the books you are reading.
- Confess 2.0 confess your sins to Twitter.
- Favrd lists interesting things on Twitter, based on the number of times an item has been declared a ‘favorite’.
- Favotter collects a lot of favorites from many Twitter'ers.
FlickrMixr flickr and twitter integration.
- Flussgeist integration of twitter and flickr.
- InnerTwitter reconnects you to your original happiness by utilizing twitter.
- Overheard It is a site that pulls in all the fun things people overhear on Twitter.
- PoliTweets tracks conversations about US Presidential hopefuls.
- Pulseofopensource follows heavyweights in the open source movement on Twitter.
- Qwitter helps you quit smoking.
- SnapTweet allows you to send your latest Flickr photo to Twitter.
- Start4all a directory of important twitter pages.
- Swotter read a book through twitter.
- Tweet140 is a game. To win you need to maintain an average close to 140 characters per tweet.
- Tweetgift is a simple way to send virtual gifts to your friends.
- Twaction allows you to poke, slap, smile at your friends on Twitter.
Tweetweet tweets show up as conversation between two characters.
- Tweetwire reformats tweets in a newspaper format.
- is a social database of categorized (jobs, events) tweets.
- Twitdir allows you to search for friends (real or fake). Think of it as Twitter White Pages.
- Twitku keep an eye on your Twitter and Jaiku messages.
- TwitPic share your photos on Twitter.
- Twitslikeme allows you to find other people who share your interests on twitter.
- TwitterBlacklist is a list of known spammers of various kinds.
- TwitterBrowser lets you browse ones friends graphically.
- TwitCash a scheme to make money on twitter.
- Twitterer second life and twitter mashup.
- TwitterFountain allows tweets to be viewed real-time, big screen.
- TwitterGram allows you to post audio messages to Twitter.
- TwitLinks The latest links from the worlds top tech twitter users.
- TwittPoll follow polls on twitter from twittpoll.
- Twitterkarma allows you to see if you have a one way or two way relationship with your friends and followers.
- Twitterku unintentional poetry pulled from the Twitter public stream.
- TwitterLit publishes the first line of a book twice a day with a link to that book.
- TwitterLocal allows you to find out whos Tweeting near you based on zip codes, states and locations.
- TwitterMosaic mosaics created from Twitter user icons.
- TwitterNotes allows you to check notes on Twitter. Notes start with a + sign
- TwitterPlanetarium is a nice visualization for tweets. No options to speak of.
- TwitterSnooze lets you disable your followers for a specified period of time.
- TwitterTale track all the bad words being used on Twitter.
- TwitSpy allows you to see all the incoming tweets in a fancy AJAXy way.
- TwitterTube Based upon the latest Twitterings feed, this yahoo pipe creator gathers the matching youtube vids.
- Twitterverse presents a tag cloud of all the twitters.
- TwitterWatch lets you see all the latest tweets like a slide show.
- TwitterWhere makes it easy to update Twitter with your current location.
- Twubble searches your friend graph and picks out people who you may like to follow.
- Visual Twitter allows you to send an image to your Twitter updates.
- Wordy Birdie is a Twitter based word frequency quessing game.