The rising number of Rosacea patients across the oceans is now a strong excuse against the idea that people with American or Scottish origin get Rosacea only. However; extensive researches are playing a great role in bringing out innovative and improved technology for Rosacea treatment. Awareness campaigns on Rosacea are highly required for better fighting societies against Rosacea.
What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a skin inflammatory disease caused by inflammation and swelling in blood vessels under the skin. Rosacea targets face, neck, shoulders, back and sometimes legs as well. The disease can be clearly visible from a distance of several meters or it might require a magnifying glass to identify. Rosacea can become a permanent part of skin. In most of the cases, it comes and goes frequently.
Who Gets Rosacea?
Rosacea can target a person of any age. There is no specific gender or age classification for victimization. However; people from the age of 40 to 60 tend to be vulnerable victims of Rosacea. Commonly, the disease occurs more in women than in men. However; the severity of Rosacea is greater in men.
Where Does Rosacea Come From?
Rosacea is not any hereditary disease. Anyone, with or without Rosacea history, can be caught. It is not a contagious disease in nature. Several theories have been proposed about its origin. Theories about bacteria, mite, and virus relevance with Rosacea have been proven wrong. However; theories about ‘origin of Rosacea from improper lifestyle’ have been widely accepted. Improper sleeping routine, unhealthy eating, lack of exercise and depression are some of the causes.
How Can I Identify My Rosacea?
You don’t need to go to the lab for identifying Rosacea. It is diagnosed at home with the help of its symptoms. Facial flushing or burning, redness, swelling of facial parts specifically nose and cheeks, appearance of tiny blood vessel networks on skin, acne, pus-filled pimples, red bumps on face, puffy eyes, redness in pupils, blurred vision and facial heat are the symptoms.
Can Rosacea Be Completely Cured?
Unfortunately, Rosacea cannot be completely cured. However; it can be treated medically and prevented for more than a decade with the help of lifestyle changes. People who fix their lifestyle problems can prevent their Rosacea forever life. Presently, detoxification is being researched for Rosacea treatment.
What Are Possible Ways of Curing Rosacea?
Rosacea is difficult to deal with. Because of complexity in its identification, Rosacea is often treated with acne medicines or heat or redness fixing medicines first. In extreme type Rosacea, which is also called Rhinyphyma, the skin starts swelling and thickening. Result is puffy skin part like a puffy nose.
There is no treatment of Rhinophyma except laser treatment. A puffy and swelled skin part can also be treated with surgery however; the chances of preventing Rosacea are greater in laser treatment. The possible ways for Rosacea treatment include these.
1. Creams and ointments are applied for redness and facial flushing.
2. Oral antibiotics help clear up the skin from bacteria and rebuilding the disturbed blood vessels.
3. Eye problem of Rosacea are treated by an ENT specialist.
4. For extreme blushing, a beta-blocker tablet is prescribed.
5. Laser treatments are used to cure Rosacea in 1 to 6 sessions. The laser heat brings blood vessels to their original condition. Further lifestyle changes can prevent Rosacea forever.
This article is by Victoria Swan, for more information you can contact Pulse Light Clinic as it offers all-encompassing therapy package, including a thorough free consultation, skin analysis and patch test along with nutritional guidance and further in-depth advice related to rosacea treatment. http://www.