How to Find the Best Payroll Jobs

The job market these days has become so competitive that it has become a necessity to have an edge over your competitors and to stand out so you can be hired immediately. To be competitive, people take job skills training so that they could venture outside their field of study or expertise and start a lucrative career in a different path or they opt to take up further studies in their chosen field to become true experts and authorities in it.


Of course the first rule of job-hunting is to apply for jobs that actually interest you, jobs that you love to do since this will ensure you will stay long with the company and not feel like you need to be elsewhere. You will also need to be certified and trained in specific skills in order to gain a distinct advantage. 

One such job that requires these are 
payroll jobs. When you work in payroll, you must be detail-oriented, responsible and have an extensive background in mathematics since you will be compiling and recording employee time and payroll data. You will also be computing employees’ time worked, production and commissions, as well as wages and deductions and prepare paychecks. Accuracy is a must in this field as the slightest mistake can cost you your job and at the same time, you should also be able to quickly fix any errors to avoid delays and inconveniences.

To start finding the best jobs in payroll, you must first realize that you will need to start at entry level, which is being a payroll clerk in order for you to learn the ropes and gain sufficient experience in handling hefty sums of money. Generally, you will be responsible for compiling the basic information needed to prepare the payroll which requires at least rudimentary accounting skills. Payroll clerks also usually require six months to a year of office experience.

Next, search for available job positions online. Cyberspace has become the newest platform to start lucrative careers and it has also streamlined the entire job-hunting process both for employers and employees. Companies will hire recruitment agencies who post the positions available online and all you need to do is send your resume and other credentials by email and in a day or two get scheduled for an interview and hopefully, get hired.

Also, these recruitment agencies will encourage new applicants to create accounts on their websites and offer the services of an in-house career consultant or specialist recruiters who will take the time to discuss your strengths, weaknesses, career aspirations and ideal employer so you can find your dream job and be matched with the perfect employer for you.

The next step is deciding whether to work in a government agency or a large corporation. Working with a government agency will ensure better job security while working for a large corporation ensures a higher salary. Determine your career goals and go for them but be prepared to work hard and never, ever think that climbing the corporate ladder will be easy. 

And lastly, look for companies as well that offer on-the-job training. Payroll clerks usually learn their skills on the job so it is important to find a company that is willing to invest in you and train you to become viable for higher positions within the department. Educate yourself on the latest payroll software and spreadsheet programs to make yourself more marketable. 


Alice Wunterman considers herself an expert in the field of Human Resources, having been part of the industry for over 20 years. More recently, she has started to do some blogging about this topic, mainly focusing on sharing job-seeking tips and techniques that other people may want to know. She is presently an employment consultant for