10 Creative Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving offers a wonderful time to gather with loved ones, express
gratitude and create memories. Whether you're hosting a traditional feast
or look...
Changing The Header Image
It had been years since I change the header background. The little girl on
those picture heading off to University this year 😍.
It's time for her mum to...
Benton Cosmetic PHA Peeling gel Review
Benton Cosmetic PHA Peeling gel is
is a 2-step exfoliating product formulated with natural cellulose for
physical exfoliation and with PHA (Lactobionic A...
TRENDS 2019 - Bows
1. Necklace by aboutCRAFTS
2. Bow tie by MagnoliaDziergana
3. Pumpkin by Florfanka
4. Bracelet by EttarielArt
5. Chocker by FashionForWomen
6. Bracelet by...
Featured seller: AnnaMoraitou
Κυρίες και κύριοι, σήμερα θα γνωρίσουμε λίγο καλύτερα την Άννα, από το
Ladies and gentlemen, today we will get to know a bit better Anna, fro...
RYDEN REI handmade baby clothing and accessories
*Designer and creator Laura, living in Tokyo and loving Japanese design*
First of all, thank you so much t...
2018 A Collage A Day Birds Calendar
*2018 A Collage A Day Birds Calendar *
* limited edition of 30
* calendar is printed on premium matte finish 61 lb photo
paper using 8 color archival pig...
Halloween Hair...... Boo!
Halloween fell on a working week day for me this year so the morning was a
busy one getting school lunches and uniforms sorted as well as myself
looking ha...
Find me on Instagram:
I'm not blogging much anymore as I really prefer to express myself with
photography. If you would still like to be in touch, join me on Instagram
Things Change
I forgot this blog for such a long time. The idea was to move it along with
the website to a platform where I'd have more room for posts and for a
Μεταμόρφωση με chalk paint
Παλιό, ταλαιπωρημένο και ξεχασμένο. Χωρίς τρίψιμο, χωρίς αστάρωμα. Ένα
πολύ καλό καθάρισμα πριν και μετά με chalk paint που έφτιαξα. Πατίνα και
Old Fashioned Christmas Ornaments Inspiration
We have a rather old fashioned Christmas tree this year that I have covered
with little handmade wired bows so far. I used old fashioned looking
ribbons b...
Ξύλινο αλμπουμ Σκιουράκι
Καλημέρα & Καλή Βδομάδα!
Φουλ φθινοπωρινό σκηνικό σήμερα και έτσι θα μείνω με αυτό το θέμα και θα
σας δείξω ένα αλμπουμάκι σε σχήμα Σκίουρου το οποίο θα α...
July Design Challenge Winner
July's Design Challenge had the theme "Boys Days of Summer".
We had lots of lovely entries from our team member but the winning entry
with the most votes wa...
Summer School: Week 10 (The finale)
This was our last week of Summer School! It is SO much fun to look back at
all we did. Be sure to visit all of our posts in the 2016 Summer School
Discuss Out Sales Management
Sales is an art or a science that man can influence others to be willing to
buy the products offered by the company.
Well for sales management itself an ex...
Experiments with a capsule wardrobe
A few months ago, I began experimenting with capsule wardrobes, after
reading tons and tons of pinterest posts on the same and realizing I had
way more c...
Evidence For a Worldwide Flood
The Bible describes the actual generation with the heavens this way, "And
Lord said, "Let right now there be considered a container involving the
waters ...
a Bloomsbury mood...
the lovely Mel from *Styled Canvas *had a Moodboard challenge this *month *over
on her blog.
Of course I had to give it a go.
I used to really enjoy colle...
Focussing on free time...
I have had 3 days off work and it felt like I had a 3 week holiday....
Since I decided to scale back my activities in my studio, I feel so much
Motivational Monday, Week 44
Motivational Monday, Week 44
*Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures.*
*-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.*
I just love watching him, wondering what he's...
Re: Music and Art
Hello readers,
I'm back to writing, my art, creating, designing, gawking at other artist
works that inspire or leave me wondering "how did they do it?". Aft...
Outta the Mouths of Babes: Another Annelie Edition
Hey folks! Remember that one time I blogged for 6+ years, and then just
stopped for 1.5 years without saying goodbye?
Me, too!
The potentially bad news -...
Check Out This New Bead Auction Site!
I know I have been mostly absent lately, life has been really crazy since I
started listing my beads on facebook. Apparently, it wasn't me or my beads
I'm Back :)
Well, would you believe, my mojo has finally returned! It's been a long
time coming, but I knew it wouldn't desert me for good. I'm in a much
better place ...
Dare Me?
I'm going to start a new feature on my blog called "Dare Me?" wherein I ask
readers if they dare me to make something absurdly complicated and nutso
with m...
Welcome 2014!
We usually start the new year by celebrating our anniversary. This year we
celebrated our 9th! We had lunch at The Capitol Grille. My friend Rachel
Ms Piggy's Great Aussie Break !
It's seems like ages ago that I came back from Australia. I was there just
a few months back to attend my brother's graduation and also visit my
cousin in...
A New Website!
Hello all! Super excited to announce that I finally, finally have an
official website for my little photography business. Check it out & let me
know what y...
Pinterest Food
Like many people out there, I have been enticed into the world of
Pinterest. One of my favorite searches is for recipes and I have to say, I
have actually...
POE is Moving Blogs!
We have run into a snag or two here on the POE team blog. I am able to
post, but due to some blogger changes I can no longer add or delete shops
on the sid...
DPARIS Liontin Lapis - Big Round - 2.49 gr
DPARIS Liontin Lapis - Big Round - 2.49 gr
[image: DPARIS Liontin Lapis - Big Round - 2.49 gr]
Harga : 148.000
Deskripsi Produk
Sebuah liontin berbahan s...
New Year / New Directions
It’s a new year and a new full moon, and we are certainly feeling the
spirit of renewal over here at the Dolan Geiman studio. We’re currently in
the proces...
January 2014 Sampler Block
I'm making my first monthly sampler block quilt this year with my online
quilt group. Month one, January, is Mosaic #4 from the Quilters Cache
website. ...
2013:Year of The Woog
(For those of you randomly stumbling upon this, this is our 2013 digital
holiday card/newsletter. Not really a PurrPrints post, but this was the
handiest p...
Holiday decoration on the stove
*ελληνικό κείμενο *
I started decorating the house last week but so far I didn't have the time
to post anything. The first spot I chose to decorate was th...
Win a Mouse!
Back by popular demand! This is your chance to WIN your choice of ornament
from The House of Mouse! Simply fill in your email to enter.
a Rafflecopter ...
My New (to Me) Bernina Record 730
Since I have gotten back into sewing the past couple years I have lusted
over a Bernina. I have several (ahem, 8) sewing machines but none of them
a Berni...
Chic Artistique Fav's
*Chic Artistique*
*(click to visit store)*
*I would like to share a few of my fav's in this shop. Patricia is a very
talented artisan, and I so very...
Greendottz All Natural Product Review
Weeks before I moved in to my new place in Telok Blangah, I received this
package in the office. The package was from my friend Lynne, who happens to
be th...
Gatsby girl
So I haven't blogged for a while, even though I have so much to blog
about... First of all, I have to say I loved the Great Gatsby film, and it
gave me th...
Fibre Art Jewellery
I've been making fibre art jewellery lately and thought you might like to
see some. This is a blue cotton and red button flower pin brooch. I can
make them...
The Ups & Downs of Owning your own Business
This is definitely going to be a more personal post, just an FYI.
Most days I absolutely LOVE owning my own business. But it definitely can
have its drawba...
Want to know the FAQs about DaWanda?
Here are the links to the important DaWanda pages you should read;
Main Frequently Asked Questions
Buying Information
Selling Information
Awesomely Ambitious! "1001 Video Tips"
Awesomely Ambitious! 1001 Video Tips We have a wealth of information at our
fingertips, with hundreds of professional, experienced Independent
First squeek at me!
I take Theo out of the field. He's in the field day and night for a few
weeks now and I am amazed how clean he is. Except for his legs. They get
muddy when...
Pin and Win!
Will you pin me (on Pinterest)...you could win one of my night lights if
you do! Pin any item from my shop and your name ...
Hawaiian Student
Posted by Virgil Burks
Most people don't think about Hawaii and think about college but you know,
I've always done things a different way. I decided that ...
Mozzarella Cheese Sticks
I have no aspirations to be a food blogger -- I love making jewelry too
much. But once in a while it's fun to share a recipe. Be warned, though, I
don't do...
Open Post: There's Been A New Round of Mutings
Consider this an open post to talk about recent new mutings or anything
else Etsy related. I've approved all the comments that were waiting for
approval, p...
something old, something new
You can now find me at my other blog SUGAR & PAPER
I'm retiring FarmHaus Modern... I no longer have the farmhouse, so it seems
appropriate to start fresh,...
Bi-annual Update! (from the world's worst blogger)
I think I'm actually just going to give up on promising that I will be a
better blogger, and everyone will just have to be satisfied with a new post
from m...
Interview on S. WARDROBE
Sono tornata per un *piccolo aggiornamento* sporadico, ancora una volta in *crisi
mistica* con il blog cercando di capire se vogli...
An Indian Summer!
Normal temperatures appear to be topsy turvy everywhere at the moment and
the UK is no exception! Starting at a 10 degree hike on temperatures
normal fo...
We are in the midst of wedding fever and season. Between the Royal couple's
wedding this year, and Kim Kardashian's extravagant wedding this month, it
is a...
Our new website is FINALLY up and going!!!
Here you'll find something for everyone! Babies - adults! Not only do we
Promote Your Etsy Coupons for FREE on Etsy Coupons
[image: Etsy Coupons]
So you have your Etsy coupons all set, but how do you get more exposure and
get these coupons in front of more buyers. EtsyCoupons.co...
Kreativ søndag.....
Planene for denne søndagen var enkle - først en håndballkamp og deretter
være kreativ, og da passet det fint at Karianne i sin Smykkelineblogg kom
med en l...
St. Patrick's Day in NJ!
The EtsyNJ team has some awesome items for St. Patrick's Day! Everything
from decorations to hair accessories to jewelry to baby accessories! Check
it out ...
Custom order part 1
I just got another custom order from another one of my lovely customers on
etsy's alchemy. I have just got through working my magic and wanted to
share th...
We Have Moved our Publication Site
Unfortunately Our website its still static. You will find all our shops
and information about us but its all there is for the moment.
We are extremely ...
Etsy Promo Love Interview : DreamingStardust
Continuing a series of interviews from the great Etsy Promo Love team
withthe lovely Michele of DreamingStardust.etsy.com
Enjoy!------------------- -Where ...
Personal Project Wednesday
So a brand new goody arrived in the mail today. Brand new as in new to me,
but in reality 96 years old.
I finally managed to score a vintage child’s Sing...
Etsy Promo Love First Giveaway!
* Recently we've all playing the Esty Promo Love game on Facebook! It is a
game that involves promoting Etsy items on the famous social network in a
fun ...
A Very Special Dapper Snapper
It was the strangest thing… I was reading through tweets one day and came
across this from Krista Colvin (@KristaColvin)
Now, normally I wouldn’t click o...
How do you see over that Creativity Hump?
I love making so many different things that sometimes I get *STUCK*! I bet
most of you know what that is like. I bounce from stamping to cardmaking to
I think I'm going to retire this blog in favor of another more different
social media.
If you'd like to keep up with olliegraphic, please become...
I love the world I live in.
Specifically, my little corner of it, and the things that happen here.
I feel a little sad about it, but Christmas is hardly on ...
all i want for christmas!
imagine if there was a santa-fairy that could made your favs...yours! then
i would be so happy! and if i had wings i would be a fairy! but now, back
to rea...
Amazing Spaghetti Sauce...
Ok so I don't normally post recipes on here.. which I don't know why..
everyone is looking for something new to make and eat... anyway.. i HAD to
post this...
Another Venture
Just wanted to share with you another site I'm trying that I really like so
far. It's called eHow. I've added the widget to the side of my blog.
Sneak Preview! Hand Made Snowmen Guys & Gals
Meet a few of the Newest Friends in the Holiday Parade! There is Candy
Cane Charlie, Frenchy Cheri, Baseball Bob, Peppermint Patty & more to come,
later! ...
Giveaway Winner
*Congratulations **Lindsay!*
*Lindsay** is the winner of the Red Jasper Necklace Giveaway!*
*I hope you enjoy your beautiful prize, please let us all know...
Greek Summer Giveaway...
Seven ( 7) winners are each going to receive four gifts, totally FREE!!!
Summer in Greece is associated with fun and relaxation…...
We are looking for anything u want to donate to represent your shop, we
just need 12 of them with a biz card attached so u get the credit.
Gift cards of an...
We've moved
Please check out our new blog at http://DECAcandle.com/blog
We've changed our business name and look as well. Thank you for all of your
support, and please...
Final Chance Sale - all order of $10 and up (before shipping) will ship
for FREE! **Sorry, Free Shipping only applies to orders shipping within the
New Home Page
Hi everyone!!
I have a new main page now, primarily because I wanted a better blogspot
URL. "Blog Scene", with the clumsy and forgettable address of:
Don't miss this victorian looking watch!
Today is a good day for this beautiful Victorian looking watch, because it
has received many compliments today. If your not looking for the usual red
The Old forum will stay up until Jan 7, 2009 so that members can collect
any info...
WOW! 7 goodies sold on Ebay!
I've decided NOT to give up on Ebay but I don't want to give up on Etsy
either SO... My plan is to switch back and forth! Ebay for 3 days on the
weekend an...
Handy Everyday Tips With Everyday Home Products
Eliminate ear mites. All it takes is a few drops of Wesson corn oil in your
cat's ear...Massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat daily for
3 d...